Warped Pilot


Meet Michael Brooding. He's having a few mental issues.  He spontaneously goes into deep trances, endures horrific nightmares and imagines that a plastic Gargoyle hanging above his study bookcase is alive. 


So naturally he talks to it, discussing all his problems including the hallucinations.  I mean, if it talks to you, you should say something back, otherwise that would be rude, right?


Oh, just as backup and at the insistence of his worrisome mother, he also goes to see the highly reputable psychiatrist, Dr. Sigmund Yung, who pushes his latest book, 'Projections of Anxiety' onto his delusional patient.


Hang on, the book says a pet is the answer to reduce anxiety, so Michael gets himself a tarantula, he names Cindy. 


He feels better now but soon Cindy disappears without a trace, sending Michael on a spiral of despair. He searches everywhere for his beloved eight legged girl. Along the way he gets lucky and meets a prettier two legged girl, also called Cindy.

Wow, I didn't see that coming.


So Michael and Cindy get it on for a night of passion (that's 2 legged Cindy) and in the morning when pouring his favourite breakfast cereal, out pops Cindy (that's 8 legged Cindy) not moving and all curled up.


Now it's back to the shrink’s for Michael (that's the doctor, not the gargoyle).  So many stories, so many Cindys, just like the one in the framed photo sitting on the psychiatrist’s bookcase.  He calls her his wife.


Michael is coming down with something; scratching around his genital area, co incidentally the good doctor is doing the same thing.


What will Gargoyle make of all this.